By: Justin Craig
On June 16th, 2016, SHARP will be hosting its second official Recruitment Party at Rock Town Distillery from 6 pm to 8 pm. This event will feature free food, drinks, and musical entertainment. The most important aspect of this event, however, will be the opportunity to join SHARP.
Why should someone join SHARP? Well, aside from offering members ASO concert tickets at significantly reduced prices, SHARP regularly provides its members with opportunities to interact with other like-minded young professionals. In a sense, SHARP’s biggest draw is its networking potential.
Developing relationships within one’s own profession is important. As an attorney, it is vital that I maintain a good relationship with fellow members of my profession. These relationships could lead to client referrals later on down the road, or assistance in cases. As a matter of fact, I will be attending the Arkansas Bar Association’s Annual Meeting in Hot Springs these week to better develop these relationships.
But, it’s just as important—if not more so— to develop relationships with people in other professions. By interacting with people who work in different fields, a person often encounters unique opportunities that simply aren’t present in his or her inner-circle. In my case, these connections could provide access to clients who have traditionally been underserved by the legal community. Or, they could lead to ventures outside of the private sector, such as serving on a non-profit board or organizing a charitable event.
SHARP serves as a fantastic vehicle for networking outside of one’s profession. At least once a month, SHARP hosts an event in which members and guests engage in conversation over food, drinks, and music. At these events, I have met people who work in finance, medicine, accounting, and business. These connections have proved invaluable to me. I would encourage anyone reading this blog post to take advantage of these networking opportunities by becoming a SHARP member.
So, if you like what’ve you read so far, come on out to SHARP’S Recruitment Party at Rock Town Distillery on June 16th, 2016! I hope to see you there!
-Justin Craig